I should say, we had a wonderful strawberry picking day last Friday with Val and family. WE did pretty well, but with both kids (though still with loads of berries), settled for one large batch of jam to split between us... sixteen cups, one box o' pomona pectin = 16 half pints IF four of the jars wouldn't have broken in the boiling pot... What the heck? Not entirely sure what's going on there. Otherwise, we probably ate a flat worth at home, froze and bagged the rest up for both of us. still need to deliver those, but will have to remember to do a good job eating strawberry shortcake this year... oh the things we do.
Update: Ended up sticking around town, and of course B. calls with a report that the sun came out on the coast... Had a really nice day none-the-less: Awesome play date with Val, Joaquin, Esme and Li Fong. Owen reports that Val and Joaquin are his favorite friends. Li Fong made him a pretty darned cool LED bracelet that won Ooos and aaahs at the Show of Awesome (craft show). After a fun morning, headed to the above craft show, got a few posters for Brian (Beer) and Ryan (Coffee), a cute winter hat for Gracie, and owen got to make a few fun buttons, Grabbed a coffee and an orange at Grendel, headed to Joann's for some gear for art projects, grabbed dinner at burgerville, kids in bed before 8, Heading to bed at a reasonable hour!
All in all, a good choice.
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