Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Some holiday crafting

Lots of crafting and homamade goodness this year... I went for the easier things that I could make more of rather than fewer more complicated items.
Peg bears for the youngest set.
Pattern was from One yard wonders, I made Owen & Grace a pair (and Alice too) a while ago, but decided to go with soft flannel for the winter group. Brian helped a ton by cutting out the stamp and cutting most of the fabric for me while I sewed... with the help cutting they went together much more quickly! Thanks! Like the stamp? Owen helped make the fabric that we put on the bear bags. I like the idea of going towards reusable fabric gift bags for at least family gift exchanges, but I am not all the way there yet... how do you know what sizes to make? Anyhow, they were cute, soft, stuffed with cotton from Knittin' kitten so they were a little more dense.

Hand warmers!
I have been collecting felted sweaters and finally found something that I could use them for!
There was some wool, some cashmere wool blends (my favs) and some cashmere (a little stretchy... instead of for the kids, I ended up keeping those). Appliquéd on some felt stars/hearts/flowers and voila! For the wee tiniest set, I kept the fingers closed, but they can be snipped open as they get bigger.
Some little ornaments with some sculpty...( I made the ones with leaves (the wee sage leaves turned out particularly nicely)
Owen used other household items and chose the hot pink :)
We used these on some baskets for teachers, family and friends... that I somehow failed to photograph... they were cute from (without the patchwork) and were filled with ornaments, homemade jam and homemade soap (also with a cute stamp I forgot to photograph... one of these days I'll post the homemade soap info... I need to keep track of the good recipe I finally found and what has worked and what I need to work on... but its nice stuff) and tissue holders ( in some They were fun to make and full of a mis-mash of things that I know how to make.
Brian and I finally got together and made some hula hoops based on the model and advice from the woman from whom I bought Owen's a few months ago...
for the same price we made 8 and probably could have made 10 in an evening. Anyhow... easy peasy and loads of fun for kids and grown-ups. We used 100 psi 3/4 inch tubing with some connection (male-male) bits purchased at home depot.
Sealed the connection with black electrical tape and then made a bunch of spirals with colored electrical tape. I think that the thicker stuff holds up substantially better than the thinner multipack I got.... and hear gaffers tape is really the way to go.
Owen is surprisingly good at this.

Mom also made really cute SANTA bingo cards that we used only barely, but also a great game for large groups of friendlies. We basically had a bingo style card each square had some fact... we had to go around and fill in the card by getting people to fill in one square that was true for them... that sounds confusing, but for example: one of the 25 squares would say "spent the night on a park bench" and we would have to ask everyone if they had done that... eventually you would find out that Uncle Steve spent the night on a park bench on a youthful trip to Europe after missing a train or something, and he would sign that square (each person can only sign one). Some of them were pretty targeted, some were random (turns out nobody really doesn't like chocolate). It was a fun way to chat with everyone!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

on display

MONSTERS! A cool activity with the graduate group here and James, the monster guru. Owen actually did most of the scupting... I was the "welder", responsible for smoothing the pieces onto the body. Pretty awesome outcome!
Otherwise, I got my act together for a little offrenda this year.
I don't have all my pictures of loved ones in order yet, but with we made sugar skulls with Val (and Owen and Joaquin, but their attention waned after a bit), and I have some pictures and some other personal items that remind me of my dear ancestors, how strange to consider them ancestors now,
is that right if I knew and loved them in life? Anyhow, I think it is a lovely practice to remember those who have died, and I like to remember how they have shaped me and my family,
what they taught me, recall memories near to my heart. Additionally, it is fun, bright and has a celebratory air,
which I also appreciate, I feel like it is a sincere heartfelt celebration of life. In brief, very brief, just one out of many memories:
Grandpa Jerry: a smile that can make you famous... reminds me to do so more and to more people
Grandma Jean: this may be old-fashioned, but to be a loving and supportive wife and mother. also.. I don't care if you wrap it in bacon, I still don't like liver :)
Tai-goon: to be brave, to take your son to a new country start a new life, life simply... he also taught me to make won-tons when I was a kid
Tai-pa: I understand that we share particularly dexterous toes, and talk about brave... she brought her daughter to this country alone and as I was told, through a river following the glowing cigarette of a coyote (or chinese equivalent) at a distance.
Gou-mo: if you are going to learn anything in a new language, learn to give a compliment. I remember she would always say "good-girl" or "good-boy" as appropriate. She was sweet and kind, and would worry about things like making sure I had my purse under control in a restaurant.
Uncle Dudley: so much, to be cheerful, to look in new places for great chow and to relish the discovery! Also... you should be able to tell what kind of wine you have based on the shape of the glass!
Uncle Henry: He was my friend on our trip to China, he was always energetic well into very old age and he attributed it to eating lots of vegetables. He and gou mou had a wonderful pommelo tree that they would risk life and limb to harvest pommelos for us to take home (frail looking tiny elderly people on rickety ladders with sticks trying to knock down large heavy fruit)
Grandma Amo: Brian's grandma was always extremely sweet to me and was a great hugger (she liked them too :).

Monday, September 27, 2010


Voila.... I made furniture! Well, a really big pillow.
This is Amy Butler's Gumdrop Pillow pattern (large) with an Ikea cool undersea fabric (home dec weight - 1 yard). This went together really fast.
Stuffing it was uncertain when we determined it would be about as much as a real piece of furniture to purchase the stuffing... so went to goodwill, got two sleeping bags, bleached the dickens out of them in the wash, dried and stuffed! It makes it pretty firm as well, which is kinda nice.
The kids love it so far. I think its fun.
Otherwise... a crown for princess Grace on her first birthday... happy birthday baby.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

(for Grace)

One year ago, right now... I was sitting right here in this chair knitting a red hat for you and watching TV (probably Glee :) thinking that I felt a little weird. You had made walking ridiculous for at least 2 weeks by this point, I could only go places v-e-r-y slowly. Somewhere between 9-10pm I finished your hat, we called Val and Ray to say... maybe tonight was the night, but we would wait and see. Ray told Val that we would call back within the hour and we did. The "weirdness" was coming at regular intervals then started to take my breath a little bit, or more accurately make me very focused so I couldn't talk and I started to pace. Your Dad called the Doctor and called OHSU and they said they were full... full!? They suggested that if we felt like we could wait a few hours and try to call again... we waited about 10 minutes and said...uh nope. We were diverted to Providence. Around 11 or so we packed Owen into the car for an overnight with our friends. By the time we arrived at their house, I couldn't talk to anyone. Your Dad took Owen... still strapped into his carseat, sleepy and grinning like crazy right into their living room, everyone was awake. We made it to the hospital after and walked in through the emergency room, walking still felt... imperative... so I turned down a wheel chair to the unfamiliar maternity wing which turned out to be really really really far away down an extremely empty extremely long hallway. Probably about 2/3 of the way there I was ready to give up, but there was nobody we could ask for help, no wheelchairs in sight so on we went. Finally made it up to the maternity ward just around midnight and were quickly escorted into a room. Hung around getting settled for a few minutes, giving them our information, giving them time to get our records from OHSU... until suddenly it seemed like wearing pants still was probably a bad idea. By the time I got into the gown and crawled into the bed, you were about ready. The nurse had only to check before hollering, literally hollering to get the midwife who ran in, I was hollering too. I just glimpsed at her kind face before she was there to catch you as you splashed into this world. Boy you were fast (faster is better!).

And there you were

wet, hungry, snuggly and beautiful... amazing...

The midwife kept telling me that it was okay to breathe normally... you were here! You took my breath away, you were here and I'd never breathe the same again.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

ANOTHER new baby

Seriously folks, its like an epidemic around here.... not that I'm complaining, more cuteness. I pulled together another blanket for Alex Ian... Howdy Alex! Still really like the zig-zag, and I found a cute life-preserver print for the binding (Dad was a navy guy).
It was a little muted in color for me but by the time I got it put together I was really really loving that blue again.Hmm Peacock? or this awesome dusty blue? I'm in love with both.
sweet babies. love'em.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Oh my gosh... can you believe how amazing these new duds for Grace are? Made by my Mom, this incredible cardigan... so very adorable, so perfect for cool summer days and these hints of fall, and just the right size for now with enough growing room to hopefully make it last a long time!
And how about this romper? Could it be cuter?

This little'un has received all sorts of wonderful handmade things from both of her grandmas in this first year. She also has worn for her baptism a beautiful dress handmade for me by Auntie Gigi. I'll try to put pictures together sometime. She's not the only one, of course, Owen has been sporting his Party shirt and dragon costume by G'ma Steves and quite a few amazing sweaters from G'ma Terri.

Lucky kids... lucky lucky dearly loved kids

Sunday, August 8, 2010


B. has been busy in the backyard this summer building stuff. Now I don't usually give him enough diy credit and have had the tendency to dwell on the "incident" years ago that involved the words... toilet, whittling and emergency-room.
Anyhow, to put that behind us (or try to again...) he has put together some new steps in our back yard to overcome the mudslide that previously defined the transition to our backyard.Nice eh? I even got a planter box out of it! A chicken-coop (complete with Hop support) to round up the birds and free up our garden.There is a dragon in the garage that was too huge to actually decorate the coop, so we painted it with blackboard paint and may put it on the fence outside of Owen's room. And today, a chicken food/water holder so we do not have to bushwack, duck and reach awkwardly to care for the birds. Thanks B! The garden continues to flourish. Today we harvested potatoes, shallots, bushbeans and zucchini that we enjoyed with a cabezon B. had in the freezer. Yummy. On the vine are more bush beans, more zucchini, pumpkins (we hope... we may have some hybrid, I tried saving seeds from last year, they are huge for sugar pumpkins... pumpkini? Zuchin?), pole beans,

japanese cucumbers

triamble squash (so excited about this one) & tomatoes!
Woo hoo! Owen has also been picking our alpine strawberries (that are looking and tasting kinda stressed this year... too many coffee grounds?), bluberries, huckleberries and our new raspberry canes (only a few this year).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Larson Line-up

Brian discovered and can trace back even further!
Nicolaus Hartman married Phillipene who gave birth toPeter Hartmann (23 Aug 1828 - 11 Dec 1874 Bayern Germany above) who married Katheryn Hiltz (daughter of Conrad Hiltz and Emma Schwiss): they were parents to Caroline Hartmann (6 Feb 1855 - 12 Jan 1940 from Iron Missouri) who married Henry Larson (who was the son of Lars Narstad and Martha... Norway).
Caroline Hartmann and Henry Larson (9 Jun 1844 - 23 Mar 1928 from Henifas Norway) were parents to Robert Larson (3 Jun 1891) (or Bob... little boy picture with curls in his hat... oh I"ll have to get a copy of that one, the before and after he cut his ringlets that his sisters (one named Mary I believe) prized). Robert Larson married Nellie Owens (which brings us to G'pa's timeline)

I guess if you put it that way, our last name is likely Narstad, but changed to Larson when Lars Narstad came to the US.

As far back as G'pa Em can go...

Emery Owens and Alice were parents to
Nellie Owens
who married Robert Larson
Their children were Virginia, Mabel (still living and 92 in 2011) and Emery Hartman (Grandpa)

Great Grandpa Nicolai Olsen was born in Mustad Norway in 1867(5) married Anna Lund (1880) also born in Sogn (or Laerdal)Norway 4 Nov 1880 (died 16 April 1944 in Brookings South Dakota). They had 12 children... all born in Brookings South Dakota

Edward (born 7 June 1903)
Agnes (born 5 Aug 1904, died in childbirth)
Nora (born 28 Jan 1906)
Arthur John (Born 29 Nov 1908)
Clarance Oscar (born 10 April 1910)
Myrtle Francis (born 15 Nov 1911)
Anna "Elizabeth"(born 1913, married Mr. Brusinger)
Walter James (born Feb 1914 married Christina has never lived anywhere else but the farm he was born on, still living)
Esther (born 1916, never married)
Irene (born 1918, married Mr. Fay Shade
Judith "Harriet" (born 1920)
Jean (born 1926 married Grandpa Em in 1946 died 22 Sept 2006)
Grandma Jean and Grandpa Em had two children:
Thomas Hartman Larson who married Terri Gong: had two children Ryan and Amy
Amy (me, but let's just keep names strait here) married Brian and had two children Grace and Owen
Ann Margaret Truscinski has three children Jay, Sam and Katie
Katie has married Adam Peruski and have baby boy Max (2012)

Monday, July 26, 2010

mish mash

beautiful flowers from the folks for my birthday... had to clear the craft supplies off of the center of the table to set this elegant bouquet amid crayon and paper chaos, but it made me smile everyday!
Garden: Two tomato plants, carrots, chives, eggplant, zucchini, strawberry, pole beans, bush beans, pumpkin... ambitious set for two small beds. This picture is so it looks like we are growing something other than pumpkins, which really is what is growing...
but the rest seem to be struggling along okay.

Sewing: Had a big burst when I got off of work this summer. Stayed up too late repeatedly with a sinus infection and it made it a bit worse, so I have taken a little break. I do have plans though... plans....some of these included clothes! Seriously! I swore off anything as complicated as a sleeve a long time ago (and may take that vow back up... I just have a tough time with "Easing" anything) but when faced with the choice to take both kids shopping or just making Owen some summer jammies, I chose the latter.
Took me two nights, and an outing without Owen's exuberant fabric opinions to pick something he would like but something that I could also bear to look at... turned out okay (except for the sleeves which turned out a touch blousy), I'm quite proud. Made me brave enough to try a dress for Kaylee's birthday.
I got this pattern and book idea from, they had it at the japanese bookstore so I took it as a sign to give it a whirl. I loved it! The length maybe was more a tunic length for the growing girl, but after staring at instructions in japanese for a good week, I got up the courage to give it a try...
Pretty cute.
One last sewing project...
peg bears from one yard wonders sewing book. I made three 'cause they looked so strait forward and easy... took a little while really and more circle sewing than I like. I didn't really take a picture of all three before one found a home with a 3-year old friend on her birthday, but Owen loves his and designed and took this picture for me... cute.
The boys did some fun craft projects on our camping trip. Owen has gotten interested in making books and really lots of drawing in general... robots, gardens, flowers, rainbows, sunshine, fish, all sorts of cool things, so he did a book. He and Joaquin did a sort of prayer flag art hanging thing that we strung up with some decorated flags, leaves, felt bits, etc... just a nice bright spot in our sea of green.