It uses a ton of thread, a little more than a very full bobbin's worth every go-round. Top thread was orange, yellow, white and green though the last three are tough to discern in the end... too close in color. I LOVE the plaid floral boarder, it is just right with that blue. Sigh, happy.
Aren't baby quilts perfect, just the right size not to be too cumbersome, but still cuddly, and mine are getting large enough that they would be good lap blankets at least until that teenage growth spurt. .JPG)
Okay, the poor sewing machine (owner). Brian and I finally decided to get one (europro reviewed on Consumer reports)... nothing too fancy, though much quieter and smoother than my last. Ordered it through e.bay got it set-up after it finally arrived from Canada and to my horror, had problems with it sewing backwards... not all of the time, just some of the time. Sometimes for just a few inches, sometimes all night (of course in the middle of a project, coming in and out of standard running when it felt like it). We just soooo hated to send it back since I finally had my hands on one and really didn't want to pay return shipping and wait....
Anyhow, I finally succumbed and after a few weeks of intermittent working and being infuriating (yes, weeks, I am stubborn) I wrote the dealer and complained asking how to proceed. While I was writing the e.mail, Brian was finally looking at it touching all of the levers and buttons (as I am trying to stop him, telling him to be careful, don't touch that and what everything was like a big ol' know-it-all) until he came across one in the back behind the foot... what's this? Uh, I don't know. Turns out it is a handy dandy new fangled button holer lever thinggy. "What does it do?" you may ask... turns out it controls the direction of stitching so that you can sew all the way around a button hole without much fuss. OR you can knock it occasionally with your fabric causing your machine to unexpectedly change directions because it is not locked like it should be and you have decided that sure, you can sit on the floor and sew so you can watch your movie and be oh so productive, but you can't really see a lot of those levers from your weird angle, so you can swear at your bad sewing machine mojo for weeks before writing a letter of complaint followed 20 minutes later by a letter of retraction and apology... yep, brilliant.
1 comment:
Blanket is adorable, by the way. Looks hip and cuddly all at the same time.
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