Well, the sun has finally decided to shine more days than it doesn't... at least the last week or so (of course we still had two rainy'uns). Anyhow, its July... and its raspberry season! Yum! Picked out at Smith Berry Barn, which I really liked, a little fancier than Rowell Bros, nice store, nicer restrooms (as in not porta potties), organic, nice sandwich cafe across the street... a touch more per pound (1.50 v. .99 at R.B.) but I am happier feeding Grace some treats while in the field with the organic farm. Anyhow, I may have managed about 11 lbs, though I can't find my receipt. Got about 12 jars (two pints, 10 half pints) of beautiful Jam out of it (pomona pectin recipe but with just over the minimal amount of sugar suggested). I also canned up some cherries this year again... they were my favorite last year to enjoy over yogurt. So I used two recipes last year, one was much better than the other, but I can't remember. SO... I'll note that I did the brandy cherries recipe in the Blue canning book but with Amaretto instead of brandy. In two of the jars, I tried adding three tablespoons of chocolate liquor to two of the jars before topping them off with the syrup. Also a few standard cold-pack jars to share with the kids :)
Also love being able to have a picnic dinner on the deck with the warm evenings. Salads, cheese, bread, salami sometimes... no cooking, so tasty, so refreshing... esp with Brian's homebrew. His IPA and raspberry wheat are my favorites so far!
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