Sunday, January 13, 2013

the bucket 2013

Well, first on the bucket list is to sit down with the family and come up with one together... what did you say?  Jan is more than half over?   I know I know....

SO... I'll at least get one sort of together late in the evening... now what should be on this... I want to be realistic, but still push a few boundaries.


Get passports pulled together again.  Canada is not that far away!

Take the train up to Seattle

Go on a trip... I am thinking something along the lines of taking Owen to Vegas or NYC, or meeting up with girlfriends somewhere.

Do something with the house.  We have made no significant changes since we moved in.  The paint color in the living room that I have disliked since day 1 must go.  it must.  I'd like new floors, but we'll have to see if that is do-able, our carpets must go, they are just too old and show everything.  wood?  grey carpet?  I know wood can be kept cleaner and is a great choice, but I do like carpet underfoot, and can be cheaper.  Give Grace her closet... (in other words, find a place for all of my sewing / craft supplies).

Get back on the bike, at least once a week through the spring and summer. I have basically stopped moving, must get going again... I like to eat way to much to become sedentary.

Make croissants... exercise and make croissants.

Get back in gear with the dinner guests.  At least once a month, preferably twice, we should be able to handle that.  They don't all need to be big meals.

Get into working at the food pantry.  I think more things are pointing to the idea that I should put G. into daycare full-time.  If she is in on Friday, I can make the faculty meetings that I really ought to attend, I can also volunteer at the food pantry once a month... and still would have a lot of half-days and even some full days where G and I can just hang out the two of us.  Val is also doin' Yoga on Friday mornings, joining her would help address the move your body plan.  It's hard 'cause I really really love our Fridays together, and I am loathe to give them up, I don't really want to, but there are some things that should be done for work, for my body and soul as well... hrm.  She's good for the soul too.

K.  that's what  I have for now.  Let's go team!

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