Sunday, December 14, 2008

chicken little

Freezer Paper Stencils!!! Okay, these are pretty fun... Alas, I"m not terribly artsy, you'll recognize the chicken from a previous post of awesome but undocumented artist of cards I saw in Vancouver. Anyhow, it turned out pretty cute. As before, really, B. cut it out, and this next one B. designed (all by himself!) and cut out too... but I am really good at ironing and painting! Anyhow we're having fun with these right now. I'm trying to decide if this is a project that we can do with a bunch of kids at my Aunt's house... they are a bit older and notably younger than Owen, and I'm not entirely certain of Owen's patience for this one. Maybe next year... however since I already bought the tshirts, we may just design some fun things on them for now.... or just throw chance to the wind and let the kids have a go... Oh darn, I just am not sure. I also am posting those other two tea towels I embroidered... one for Tami and the other for Becky. I thought I shot a pic of the pot holders I've been working on, but must have missed that one. Geez, I should mention that it has SNOWED... like a lot, and it's pretty darned cold to boot.... I was totally bummed this morning to miss Yoga, Crafty Wonderland and daycare holiday open house.... sigh, but after getting over that we had a nice day at home playing in the snow, making Christmas cookies and wrapping presents and watching the birds outside of Owen's window.

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