Bread, every morning with goat cheese and jam. Ever since I discovered Artisean Bread in 5 Minutes a Day, mornings have included fresh bread... yum. And ever since our chickens have started laying I've been enjoying a poached very fresh egg too.

Seriously yummy breakfast. We got our tree decorated, and our holiday whatnots around the home.

It's so nice to have something like this to really seal the season in our home and hearts.

Otherwise, we've been pillow making and freezer stenciling!

Pillows are for Christmas gifts (I'm presuming my Grandma, Aunt and Mom are currently unaware that this blog exists mmm I think they look better / less shiny in person)... ooh, I still should take some pictures of the rest of the embroidered towels... Okay, it's on my mental to-do list. I also tried freezer pencil stenciling for the first honest effort.

Well, okay maybe an exaggeration... I thought of the idea, found the images online and asked Brian to recreate them and cut them out. BUT I ironed them on and painted them (and sewed up the scarf). It's a present for Harmony's birthday... the chinese symbol is "Harmony" subtle? not really? We had a nice evening of just moms at Pix... mmm sweet desserty goodness. I had the potluck, a hazlenut steamer (with real hazlenut pase) and a macaroon, oh and one of those fruity jelly things.

I was pretty stuffed by the time our yummy farmes market mushroom risotto was served by B.
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