Monday, March 7, 2016


Owen was suspicious, but uncertain, he is 10.

The santa thing, the easter bunny thing, he is suspicious but he is willing  to suspend his disbelief for the spirit of the season, does not see a major need to test this story in favor of the magic and joy of the seasons.  However, maybe because he has received some pretty convincing notes along the way, the tooth-fairy was the last to fall prey to skepticism of maturity and growth.  When he lost his 9th tooth last month, he staged a "test" to confirm his suspicions.  With tooth tucked deeply underneath his pillow, and putting on his lightest sleeping practice, he constantly checked on the tooth and would awaken at the least activity near his room.

10:00 & 11:00:  I tried to make the swap for the expected shiny gold dollar.  He awoke, I told him I was going to sleep and hugged him goodnight, but no swap

12:30 Brian tries same, fail.  Sets alarm for later... certainly by this point O's suspicions are closer to being confirmed with the little parade of parents "checking on him" or "saying goodnight"

2am:  Last try, Brian gets up, crawls stealthily into the room and is caught lying on Owen's floor next to his bed, Owen peering down at him asking him what he is doing.  Brian hands him his dollar and takes his tooth.

I was so sad that this too has passed, in the morning when I checked in with him, he informed me somewhat reluctantly that he had caught Dad last night.  We talked about him keeping the magic intact for his sister and even his friends and he seemed to get-it.  I laugh too so if it's funny and sad... what is that fad?  Sunny?  Sunny.... thinking about Brian laying down with his hand under Owen's pillow at 2am, with his every growing son looking down at him with no great pleasure but a certain resignation and maybe even satisfaction but  no glee... and poor B having nothing really to say other than... here you go.  B who has written curly-cue letters with little fairy drawings on it for several of the early lost teeth, in response to requests that the tooth fairy provide a picture so he knows what she looks like, explaining why the tooth fairy forgot once, who did so sweetly to make the event exciting ... was caught weirdly lying next to the bed in the middle of the night.

P.S. O has since lost two teeth and we simply pretend that moment of reveal never happened.  This kiddo isn't missing out on his gold dollars!

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