Wednesday, May 13, 2015

these days

Fortune Teller Miracle Fish

I had my Tai-goong's cardigan repaired and I don't care how cold it is outside, it feels like a warm hug and I love it more than any item of clothing I have ever owned. I probably look like an old man in it, but prefer to think it has a slouchy elegance.

I got one of those 'miracle fish" as a bonus in with an ETSY order.  Anyhow, it's fun, and reminds me of Dr. Pace who had one in his desk drawer. Each of us put it on our hand and for each it predicted "passionate" and we nod and laugh at the novelty toy until it sits on Grace's hand and flips right over and suddenly it is an oracle G.  that is totally you, "passionate" the miracle fish has it right!  

Passionate a good word for G.  That and fierce.  She feels things with her whole body and reacts without separating out physical, emotional, or otherwise.  If she gets physically injured or tired, or hungry, she is angry at the world and anything will set off a devastating wave of emotion. If she is joyful she is ebullient and full of hugs and must be actively helpful. Thinking about dressing up and visiting friends makes her whole week filled with patience and enthusiasm and self regulation (we really really need to schedule more weddings in the future). When she is excited she can't stop talking.  She takes things moment by moment, day by day and tries not to make any promises about the future. She is not particularly prone to bribery, and has definite stances on things.  She can pick a pair of shoes or clothes out from a store in about 45 seconds flat, and is likely to stick with them no matter how much longer we browse.  She takes FOREVER to get to sleep, and typically I will find Brian asleep next to her sitting up and reading a comic book.  G. loves super heroes and comic books... when we went to the bookstore, we left with Antman, the Hulk and my little ponys.  She still sneaks into our bed most nights, and I am a hard enough sleeper that I don't notice until my whole body cramps up because I can't roll over.  Her daddy carries her back to her bed... I"m glad we're down to only about once a night.  Hugs and snuggles are plentiful.  She just got a new robe from Grandma Terri and it is the most wonderful thing ever; when she ties it the ties must be perfectly even. She eats lots of some things.. preferably carbs but also loves plain meat, broccoli, peas, sardines, hoisin sauce and  bananas with peanut butter... so that is probably fairly balanced overall. G. is one of those young children who is very shy, but I feel like there is a strong, bold side of herself that may one day overcome the shy girl she puts on for non-family members.  

O on the other hand is steady...he seems to be entering a stage where it is not too cool to show interest in anything, just a mild interest at best.  This one is definitely thinking ahead most of the time, a planner.  He prefers to go to bed as early as possible, in fact, I have a hard time keeping him up even until 8pm, and still read to him at night (1) because I love it and it is the best time for the two of us to have just a few minutes of down-time together, (2) otherwise he'd be asleep at 6:30 every night (and awake even earlier)! Unlike Grace who fights sleep... he gets antsy when he doesn't fall asleep right away, and we get minute by minute reports of the time until he does sleep (IT'S 8:17!!). Any outward sign of interest of affection appears to torture him these days... ah 9 (I am allowed about 2 hugs and kisses a day one in the morning and one in the evening and he doesn't hold my hand much anymore), it makes it tough with Grace who is all about the hugs and kisses!  He gets up no later than 6:30 and works on homework and reading, so he can get it out of the way first.  He will try anything and eats his least favorite items first, saving his favorites for the end.  He can give a very accurate evaluation of a meal on a 1-100 scale.  He is great at anything that is reward driven (pokemon, points towards fish for his tank).  Ah, bribery goal setting, so effective with this one.  Confident... speaking for people, trying something totally new... no problem, in fact he doesn't really worry about too much.  Creative... O is a wonderful artist, though I fear that some of the motivation is slacking off a bit.  He does really well if working with others on a drawing, sewing, etc project... if you are doing a project, he wants to try it too and will do it well!  I think we need to be more active doing projects after school/weekend and not mostly while he is asleep.  He can be an amazing big brother and wants to help his sister learn things, and is also great at diffusing problems that are about to occur... he is the best at distracting Grace when she is feeling a little volatile (he is also the best at setting her off).  ...

Sometimes moments, days, months slip by so quickly, remembering where we are right now is a gift.  


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