Monday, September 8, 2014

Coconut milk and taking notes: deodorant and soap

New homemade love:  coconut milk
it just doesn't get much easier and it is so delicious, probably a bzillion calories too so I should be cautious, but it is good... the outcome is much more like canned coconut milk (but without the can or concerns associated with cans) than coconut drinks you get in cartons.    SO.  2 cups dried coconut, unsweetened and 4 cups water... let it soak no more than 30 min or so then whiz the heck out of it (I do 3-5 min in the vitamix... man I love that blender much more than I thought I would).  Strain it (I used a beer brewing strainer bag, probably like an oversized nut-milk bag or jelly bag, a strainer would probably be sufficient too if it is fine enough).  Enjoy.  It does separate so you can give it a good shake/stir before consuming.  There may be a too good puck of coconut oil at the top, depending upon the batch of coconut.  Lesson learned... don't let these things soak all that long, some recipes I found online suggest really long soaks and for both this and almond milk when I did it, I ended up with a sort of weird floral-sour flavor... not awful, but not what I wanted.  Shorter soak seems to remedy this problem.  Now I can handle a little dairy, but if you need a dairy replacement... this is it.  I"ve tried most of them and although this has a little more flavor than some, the natural richness and yumminess totally is worth it... unless you hate coconut.

Okay, I sometimes make a deodorant I love and sometimes, a little less so....  I refer to a recipe, but largely wing-it... making potions the kids call it.... not very scientific of me.   So I am writing these down until I have one I like

Sept 14 recipe
Tablespoon of each coconut oil and Shea butter, arrowroot and baking soda.
Added maybe 1/2 tsp beezwax pellets
10 drops of  lime and 10 of grapefruit
Maybe 10 of hops too

Okay day one impressions.... This batch is too big for my container by about a tsp or more.  It's still in the 80s in the house sometimes and it is a little soft and greasy for me.

Initial next-time thoughts:  Add at least equivalent amounts of cocoa butter!  I think I did this on previous versions, but forgot this time.  Use tsp instead of tbs.  Maybe I need to go back and add in cocoa butter.
See, this is why I should write this stuff down cause perhaps I did teaspoons of everything and a greater proportion, of beezwax... Last recipe was much harder, which was good for summer.  Stronger smell too, which I liked, and it fit in my jar... This batch is too big

Soap tonight... Shea butter recipe x4... split before adding e.o. and color.

1- Making orange- clove turmeric 2:1total about an ounce, there is about .1oz cinnamon in there too.  not much, didn't want it to be too warm.  Added about a tbs of tumeric... this may have been a lot for a half batch.  Filled up 9 of the molds with this, very orange.

2- clary sage, rosemary, lavender and a bit of macha... 1:1:1 1 oz total probably only a tsp macha.  It turned a decent sagey green, we'll see how it sets up.  I drizzled some uncolored stuff on top to top-off the mould, so it should end up a nice two-tone.

And for some sweetness, a little crepe flower headband I made G. for her birthday.  There is also a butterfly garland I am pretty happy with!

 She actually wore this for days!  I think she liked it too.

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