Serious sweetness. A new baby quilt for a new baby... and a nice afternoon to spend with the happy family.
This quilt... this quilt was (a) fun to make, (b) not really that tough in spite of many more pieces that I am accustomed to and (c) murder on two sewing machines. My good ol' one that my Mom gave me an age ago pooped out... it had been a while in coming but after the sewing machine repair man, who looked and talked a little bit like a mobster told me not to spend any money on the ol' girl (before granting me a free tuning up out of pity I think). Anyhow, finished her up. Caused an issue with Mom's old singer (though maybe the needle is just in backwards... I donno) where it would only catch the bottom stitch every two inches or so (I haven't tried too very hard to fix it, it was very late) . Anyhow we finally ordered a new sewing machine; a Europro that was ranked well on consumer reports... nothin' too fancy but it sews so smoothly and quietly and with great confidence! Plus it has a few more fancy stitches than my old'un. Anyhow, enough waxing poetic about a sewing machine. The new one has a few more bells and whistles and supposedly can go through several layers of denim without great concern so I'm sold!
The quilt is a take on log cabin blocks, based on, well, I think it was a translated japanese sewing book that I checked out from the library ages ago, but forget the name... and I've seen it somewhere on a craft blog somewhere, but can't remember where either. so helpful I know.
Anyhow, the idea is that you sew strips of fabric and quilt it directly on squares of batting then attach the backing after the fact. Makes for cute, if not a little wonky, squares. In spite of the sewing machine issues it was in fact a lot of fun to do.
I am even so proud that I was able to channel Val when picking out fabrics (she is really good at pulling together nice groupings of fabrics in pretty colors!). She's also really good at putting together some cute babies! She and her sweet Ray of course...
Grace loves him!
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