Well, I finished it! Thanks to Renee's gift certificate to Fabric Depot, Mom suggesting an actual pattern, Brian's patience as this took up several evenings (though mostly while he was out of town), and Owen's enthuiasm for his little sister's quilt! It's perhaps a little bright. I took the advice of a salesperson at the fabric store, and found one fabric with colors I liked and matched others to it. I really do love the fabrics, so much fun. I also must credit Montevilla for finding the gouged "hook" on my sewing machine that was making me curse for breaking my thread every three feet and suggesting a walking foot purchase... Both of which totally saved my sanity.... I like my machine again :)

The pattern was called Fantastic-O Fat Fun from Afternoon Delights. At first I wasn't sure the pattern was worth the 9 bucks... looked pretty strait foreward, but they show you how to cut the fat quarters up in stacks to make the stripes, and they all fit together perfectly, so much easier than agonizing about sizes and seam allowances etc... totally worth it. Took the equivalent of 20 fat quarters (I used 10 half yards) for the top. The only other alteration I made was to round off the corners with a big plate... awesome! No corners, had to cut the binding on the bias, but it worked out so nicely, smooth round corners, no funky mitered corners (I can typically get most of them, but there is always one of the four that looks weird....

yay curved corners and how about that cute mermaid fabric.... love it.
The pattern is so efficient that it took almost all of my left-over fabric to make a little blankie to match...

totally different pattern, sort of a log-cabin thing,

and I was out of the floral flannel and the binding fabric, so it's just a turn and topstich sort of blankie, but cute still!

Owen has taken to this blanket and is thrilled to roll up in "little sister's blanket";

I keep folding it up, and he keeps "getting cuddly" inside.

Okay, two more kiddie quilts, they will be much smaller, but I have to think about them still... and get them done before Bambina arrives.
Name game: So far we have Madeline, Gwen(da), Eliza, Grace, Marina, Mei, Mary... I still like Jade and Celia, but think those have been nixed by B.
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