Okay, maybe its nesting, I don't know but I've been on quite a quilty bender... mostly I wanted to try these pillows and get two kiddie blankets done before, well, baby girl comes along. The pillows were from a tutorial on Posie gets Cozy: ( http://rosylittlethings.typepad.com/posie_gets_cozy/2009/05/pretty-patches.html )... super fast and easy,

I backed them in some off-white corduroy with a basic envelope back. I don't know what I'll do with them, but I sure do like them!

I also finished Diane's baby boy's quilt... I got the fat quarter packet from the menonite shop when visiting the in-laws... Diane has always loved vintage winnie the pooh, so I went with it for the blanket... Also backed in corduroy (actually the same one).

It turned out pretty well, not the manliest blanket, and I didn't get a very good photo of it... it was fun, and hey... its a baby! I need to photograph the last baby blanket, for my cousin's baby boy, but I'm deciding if I"m really done. Here's my stack-o-quiltiness so far this summer... fun.

Otherwise I'm loving Dahlia season,

I get to bring home a couple of bunches when we can make it to the farmer's market.

Our garden is doing pretty well, we have a few sugar pumpkins getting all orange on the vine, we had a handful of nice zucchini, but our plant is taking a break and beefing up its leaves. Cherry tomatoes out front are awesome, and we have a few other volunteer squash, I"m still not certain if they're decorative or edible. Totally loving our blueberry haul and our alpine strawberries... we have two white'uns and three or four red'uns... totally delish and doing really well, though we have a few beetles and slugs that find them every now and again.

Most exciting perhaps for Owen was digging for potatoes in our wine barrel out front... got two pretty good meals out it! I think next time we plant them much deeper and maybe will get more.
One more good project thus far... I was going to paint the whole room, but talked with a designer at the paint store, and she suggested we paint just the fireplace... as soon as she said it I thought... perfect! In reality I'd like the whole shebang gone, but its too much work right now.
Before (dated, homemade job of a hearth)

After... blends in much better, much less busy, heck even makes our carpet look better!

Thanks Dad! Looks great!