Well, it's been one year since we welcomed three chickens into our backyard. We got them as pullets about 8 weeks, built a lovely little portable chicken tractor and got going. Being a scientist, I have a slight counting compulsion, so here are our numbers (I'll spare you the graphs :)...
Barbara: Barred Rock, typically lays the largest and darkest eggs (though the difference between hers and Goldie's these days is slight). She started out the most regular, but has become an every two-three day-er. Her grand total of eggs thus far is 205.

Goldie: Golden Sex-linked, medium to small light brown eggs, has emerged as the friendliest of the bunch has laid 200 eggs for us. Both Goldie and Barbara started laying early July. Egg production took a predictable dip in Jan-early April.

Tallulah: Easter-egger, beautiful light blue eggs, small to medium, has become very regular this year, compared to a spotty and late start (mid Sept) last year... about an egg a day recently. She has generously provided us with 164 of my son's favorite eggs.

That makes 621 total, 248 since January 2009. I know the numbers don't quite add-up, but I didn't count individual chickens the first few weeks or so. Including our coop and start-up
materials ($320) and feed we are down to $0.69 per egg!

This calculation does NOT include things hard to put a price on: entertainment value, weed control, extra fence and yard material and maintenance (they are hard on the yard... the only
major negative... that and having to watch the dog eat their poop...ew), fertilizer they have provided, the joy of a fresh, poached egg in the morning, or the glee every time our 3-year old finds an egg (or three) in the box and thanks the chickens. All in all, not bad.... Thank you chickens!
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