Hmm, the best shot I have of a really cute "ballet shirt" (as she thinks of it). It's a cute reversible wrap shirt from craftiness is not optional. The front is a pink and green floral that G picked out, the reverse is a swan print (her ballet performance has her class as the swan princesses). I'll get a better picture one of these days. The ties are just purple ribbons. Easy on and off so as not to mess up ballet hair.
and tasty too! Very creamy, and I sort of skimped (okay didn't add) the cream because I didin't want to go to the store, so just upped the ricotta and marscapone to come close to the correct amounts. The crust with almonds, sugar and eggs) was yummy!
The rhubarb in batons like this is beautiful, though a little tough to eat with. Val even peeled them for me but it sort of squishes the filling out to cut through it. It's worth the pretty presentation though.