Monday, September 27, 2010


Voila.... I made furniture! Well, a really big pillow.
This is Amy Butler's Gumdrop Pillow pattern (large) with an Ikea cool undersea fabric (home dec weight - 1 yard). This went together really fast.
Stuffing it was uncertain when we determined it would be about as much as a real piece of furniture to purchase the stuffing... so went to goodwill, got two sleeping bags, bleached the dickens out of them in the wash, dried and stuffed! It makes it pretty firm as well, which is kinda nice.
The kids love it so far. I think its fun.
Otherwise... a crown for princess Grace on her first birthday... happy birthday baby.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

(for Grace)

One year ago, right now... I was sitting right here in this chair knitting a red hat for you and watching TV (probably Glee :) thinking that I felt a little weird. You had made walking ridiculous for at least 2 weeks by this point, I could only go places v-e-r-y slowly. Somewhere between 9-10pm I finished your hat, we called Val and Ray to say... maybe tonight was the night, but we would wait and see. Ray told Val that we would call back within the hour and we did. The "weirdness" was coming at regular intervals then started to take my breath a little bit, or more accurately make me very focused so I couldn't talk and I started to pace. Your Dad called the Doctor and called OHSU and they said they were full... full!? They suggested that if we felt like we could wait a few hours and try to call again... we waited about 10 minutes and said...uh nope. We were diverted to Providence. Around 11 or so we packed Owen into the car for an overnight with our friends. By the time we arrived at their house, I couldn't talk to anyone. Your Dad took Owen... still strapped into his carseat, sleepy and grinning like crazy right into their living room, everyone was awake. We made it to the hospital after and walked in through the emergency room, walking still felt... imperative... so I turned down a wheel chair to the unfamiliar maternity wing which turned out to be really really really far away down an extremely empty extremely long hallway. Probably about 2/3 of the way there I was ready to give up, but there was nobody we could ask for help, no wheelchairs in sight so on we went. Finally made it up to the maternity ward just around midnight and were quickly escorted into a room. Hung around getting settled for a few minutes, giving them our information, giving them time to get our records from OHSU... until suddenly it seemed like wearing pants still was probably a bad idea. By the time I got into the gown and crawled into the bed, you were about ready. The nurse had only to check before hollering, literally hollering to get the midwife who ran in, I was hollering too. I just glimpsed at her kind face before she was there to catch you as you splashed into this world. Boy you were fast (faster is better!).

And there you were

wet, hungry, snuggly and beautiful... amazing...

The midwife kept telling me that it was okay to breathe normally... you were here! You took my breath away, you were here and I'd never breathe the same again.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

ANOTHER new baby

Seriously folks, its like an epidemic around here.... not that I'm complaining, more cuteness. I pulled together another blanket for Alex Ian... Howdy Alex! Still really like the zig-zag, and I found a cute life-preserver print for the binding (Dad was a navy guy).
It was a little muted in color for me but by the time I got it put together I was really really loving that blue again.Hmm Peacock? or this awesome dusty blue? I'm in love with both.
sweet babies. love'em.