Sunday, January 17, 2010

mmmm Canele

Had a bit of a baking fit this weekend... Made some Granola for the first time, it's pretty good, perhaps a little sweet, but its more likely to get eaten. Recipe is more or less from, the Katie did blog.
Easy, makes a ton... so we shared with Val and Robyn (new mom!). Also had the boys make blueberry muffins. I'm most excited about the Caneles! I used Chocolate and Zucchini's recipe

OMG sooo good. We got the silicon molds and they are great! Crunchy exterior, soft custardy interior. Even totally great frozen and microwaved for about 20 secs... still crunchy! trying hard to resist my second tonight...soooo hard.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Playing catch-up...


Alpine strawberries... sweet like candy!

Joseph Schmitt chocolate treats from Caroline... can't find my mint leaf pictures, but those things are precious, I have little hordes stashed around the house and am very selfish with them.

Plus isn't the all chocolate bowl beautiful!

Small Squares in a strip quilt for baby Colin Mason

My first "tie" quilt, it was also my largest turn & topstitch quilt, the method needs some work, but its linen on top with the strip of squares and a mis mash of corduroy on the back... white and dark blue.

And some Christmas gifts... buntings for the cousins

t-shirts for close pals. Still love freezer paper stencils, though Brian keeps pushing for getting a silk screen... but even though the designs are all very very close, each is a little different, and I like that. Then again, he helps (designs and cuts most of them out) a lot, so maybe he has a point.