Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas List 2009

Owen's Christmas List:
Frog Umbrella for kids (so that it's his size, not grown-up sized)
Pink Socks
Pointy Rocket Ship

Though we had the discussion that Santa brings toys to good children and not naughty children, He got very upset, and pleaded why not the naughty children? They should get toys too! Sometimes the "Good" v. "Naughty" discussion doesn't really seem to sink in.

Friday, December 4, 2009

got to make the morning last

Sometimes the days feel to be slipping by so quickly; where I don't feel like I have enough time to get my work done, to clean up properly around the house, to get my Christmas shopping done, Christmas cards, to get something actually organized for Os birthday this year, to plan fun quality time with the kiddos... something more than running errands, with Brian, with self. I don't want to miss a moment, but moments just keep passing by. What gets me about this feeling is that instead of pulling self up by bootstraps, I just get irritable. I see myself rushing around, trying to get stuff done, and see everyone around me working against me. I need to remind myself to just keep swimming, things will get done, can't stop time, can only appreciate it. There, reminder noted. Now go fold that pile of laundry.