We've been enjoying the fruits of fall lately. Our CSA has been chock full of great veggies and fruits, so that has been inspiring.

Brian put together this great "salad starter" with a bunch of tomatoes, peppers, olives, cucumbers and red onions, that we can just ladle over our lettuce. Yum... and easy!

I also used these beautiful purple, yellow and green tomatillos in my Mom's green enchilada recipe. It's one of my favorites, and it made a TON. We'll be in enchiladas for a few days and still have two small batches frozen for later. Earlier this week we picked up a big handful (about 20) chestnuts that had fallen from the tree down the street.

Who knew, but chestnut pickers can be spotted by their characteristic shuffle preformed to open the super spiky hulls... Anyhow, two tries, and I'm still no good at peeling them, but I
think I have it figured out for NEXT time.... slit 'em, boil for five minutes and take off the tough outer hull, DON"T WORRY about the super stuck on inner hull yet. Boil again, 20 minutes to an hour.... then try to remove the soft inner hull. Anyhow, after they were all soft I pushed them through a sieve, added an equal amount of sugar and a bit of water... okay I probably added too much water. In the end (no picture of greyish mush) I ended up with chestnut preserve, it's great with a rich yogurt, on bread and I am sure with whipped cream. Brian's not as much of a fan, but I love this stuff.